


Some frequently asked questions

At what time do the live events start?2022-07-30T10:44:11+00:00

During weekdays and Saturdays, all live events start at 7:30pm.
On Sundays, all live events start at 3:00pm.

At what time will the live events finish?2022-07-30T10:44:00+00:00

During weekdays, the final table starts around 23:30 and is expected to end around 00:45.
During weekends, the final table starts around 20:00 and is expected to end around 21:15.

Can players stay to watch?2022-07-30T10:43:51+00:00

Yes, players are encouraged to stay for the remainder of the event.

Can people come to watch?2022-07-30T10:43:40+00:00

Yes, all our events are open to the public.

Can I bring a friend or guest?2022-07-30T10:43:31+00:00

Yes, all our events are open to the public.

Can any existing country series join the European-OPC officially.2022-07-30T10:43:25+00:00

Yes, but they have to apply and be accepted.

Can players play in any European country?2023-05-12T12:03:20+00:00

Yes, they can play in any European country after becoming a free-of-charge E-OPC member in the first step. They will then be directed to step 2, where they need to complete the official KYC control to be approved. If E-OPC has live or online events set up and ready in that country, the player can reserve a seat to play.

Why do players have to open an account in step 2?2023-05-12T12:03:35+00:00

Firstly, to ensure all future players are of legal age as required by the country’s law. Secondly, to ensure that you are not a bot!

What happens to my deposit?2023-05-12T12:03:47+00:00

The deposit remains in your private account and can only be used by you at any time.

Do all EU countries have live events?2023-05-12T12:04:03+00:00

Eventually, yes, unless there are specific government restrictions that prohibit poker competitions as entertainment.

How can a player see where the live events are?2023-05-12T12:04:15+00:00

Please visit the website European-OPC.com.

Can a player play in another country where they do not officially reside?2023-05-12T12:04:27+00:00

Yes, as long as it is in Europe and E-OPC offers live or online preliminaries in that country.

How can I see where and which E-OPC countries offer events?2023-05-12T12:04:38+00:00

Once you become an E-OPC member in step 1 and complete step 2 (the verification process), you will receive an automatic update to keep you informed.

Which country is starting off with live and online event preliminaries?2023-05-12T12:05:09+00:00

The European OPC will officially start in the United Kingdom on June 2nd, 2023. For more information, please click here: https://british-opc.com/

If you have another question, please contact us.

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